Tuesday, 17 September 2019
18:45 to 22:00 - Program starts at 19:15
(GMT+0200) Europe/Zurich
Eglise francais
French Church Corner of Schanzengasse 25
Promenadengasse, Zurich
Taxation and Tax Planning for Americans in Switzerland after the Passing of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.
Focusing on ACA’s efforts in Washington, Estate & Financial Planning for US Taxpayers in Switzerland
On-line Registration is preferred:
- Please register in advance – No Charge for ACA Members who register in advance, US $30 per person online registration for non-members.
- Donation at the door is CHF 35 per person for anyone who has not registered
- For further information please contact: [email protected]
Limited non-reserved seating.
Please register as soon as possible.
- What is ACA and how the organization represents and helps Americans overseas
- The latest news from ACA’s advocacy work in Washington D.C.
- What’s new for individual US taxpayers in 2019; Impacts of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
- Estate Planning Challenges for Americans in Switzerland: What to do with that Rev Liv Trust from the US?
- Tax Planning & Financial planning for Americans living in Switzerland / Overseas
- Considerations for Starting a Company overseas for US Taxpayers
- Over an hour of Q & A time
Matthew Berlin - Matthew is a Trust and Estates attorney specialized in working with Overseas Americans. Mathew is a partner at Rubin and Rudman LLP and he regularly visits Switzerland for work.
Francheska Pimentel - CPA - Francheska is a senior manager in the Global Tax Services group at KLR in Providence, RI. Previously, she was with Deloitte Tax LLP working in various offices around the world. Francheska has a Master’s in accounting, is fluent in Spanish and advanced in French and works with numerous U.S. expats many who are living in Switzerland.
Dr. Natalie Peter - LLM, TEP - Natalie is a Swiss attorney heading the Private Client Team at Blum & Grob attorneys at law AG in Zurich. She specializes in Tax Law, Inheritance and Estate Planning & Trusts. Natalie has her law degree from the University of Zurich and an LLM from Boston University.
Jonathan Lachowitz – CFP® - Jonathan is a Board Member of ACA; Certified Financial Planner in the US and Switzerland and owner of White Lighthouse Investment Management in Lausanne and Lexington, MA. Jonathan has written extensively on personal finance for the Wall Street Journal.
KLR: https://www.kahnlitwin.com/
Rubin and Rudman LLP: https://www.rubinrudman.com/
Moore Stephens Emerson GmbH: https://www.msemerson.com/
Blum & Grob Rechtsanwälte: https://blumgrob.ch/
White Lighthouse Investment Management: http://www.white-lighthouse.com/
The ACA Global Foundation (“ACAGF”) is the sister organization of American Citizens Abroad, Inc. (“ACA”), which supports education and research on issues affecting Americans abroad.
Disclaimer: ACAGF and ACA are not responsible for any advice given at this event.