ACA Global Foundation releases New Video Explaining Residence-based taxation

ACA Global Foundation releases New Video Explaining Residence-based taxation

American Citizens Abroad Global Foundation (ACAGF) released today a new video aimed at breaking down the merits of Residence-based taxation in a clear and simple way for key decision makers and the public. The video, entitled 21st Century Taxation of Americans Abroad: Citizenship-based taxation vs. Residence-based taxation is timely and important as the issue of how to tax Americans living and working overseas is gaining attention during Congressional review of comprehensive US tax reform.  The video is available for viewing on the ACA Global Foundation’s homepage at:

“Having a rational discussion of our outdated and uncompetitive current tax policy versus sound alternatives such as Residence-based taxation will help inform Congress in their development of new tax legislation,” said Charles Bruce, Chairman of ACAGF.

In the video Professor Michael Kirsch of Notre Dame University presents the rationale for Citizenship-based taxation (CBT) while Dr. Bernard Schneider, Lecturer in International Tax Law at the Queen Mary University of London School of Law, presents recommendations for Residence-based taxation (RBT).

“Significant research and education is needed to bring these issues to the attention of the American public and Congress,” said Jackie Bugnion, Tax Team Director of ACA, Inc. (ACAGF sister organization) “and our organizations have taken the lead in sponsoring informed debate and better understanding of these issues.”

For more information on the need for Residence-based taxation and both ACA, Inc. and ACA Global Foundation’s work, please visit our websites at:  and,  or contact us at [email protected] or at +1 202 322 8441.