American Citizens Abroad Global Foundation Seeks Views on Tax Laws

American Citizens Abroad Global Foundation Seeks Views on Tax Laws

FATCA has been debated in the US and abroad among politicans, businesses and American taxpayers living overseas and/or with ties to other countries. While its intent on reducing or eliminating tax evasion is almost universally supported, many feel the law increases the compliance burden on many taxpayers and institutions.

ACA's sister organization, American Citizens Abroad Global Foundation (ACAGF) in cooperation with the faculty of the University of Nevada, Reno's College of Business have announced a research project to study the effects of FATCA on American citizens living abroad. The survey will provide researchers with the opportunity to evaluate how taxpayers experienced this new law and will provide information about unintended consequences. "Being able to evaluate the responses from a large group of taxpayers from all around the world will provide us with a much richer picture of FATCA's impact on individual taxpayers and will help us study aspects of the law that cannot be assessed by tax return data alone," said Sonja Pippin, associate professor in accounting.


"ACAGF is pleased to see academic institutions like the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR), take interest in canvassing Americans' opinions on US legislation. Cooperating with UNR on this important survey topic will help ACAGF further its understanding and knowledge of how FATCA is affecting the community of Americans overseas and help us to better educate Congress on this and other important issues," Charls Bruce, ACAGF Chairman said.


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